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Back from MMC


This year, Mephit Mini Con was a blast, despite of all the stress the days before. As bigbluefox already mentioned, some of us took part in a recording session with a German TV team to capture some fursuit action and interviews on Thursday (more on this later, when I've seen the actual report), which meant that I had to arrive in time. I feared that this would be near impossible, as Reesa, Eisfuchs and BlackDragon where travelling with me and the A9 from Bayreuth to Nuremberg was closed due to an accident for several hours. But everyone arrived in time, we even managed to stuff all luggage, including a complete electronic drum kit and a guitar, into my car without having something or someone leaving behind...

Thus, we arrived on time, managed to have a short meeting before the recording session, had the recording session (nowhere near MMC, of course) and finally got back to the convention site. Thursday evening and night was very relaxing. I talked to a lot of people I haven't seen for quite a while or didn't even know before in person, listened to the jam session of our musicians from the outside of the hall -- it was far too loud for me inside. They sure rocked the house, to the point they almost wrecked it (at least some of the windows were definately at risk...)

Friday was even more relaxing, interrupted just shortly by a trip to the local supermarket. The lunch however was terrible. Well, the supposedly paella was sort of edible, but it surely was the worst food I had to swallow ever... It was even worse than the stuff on EF5, which is hard to imagine. Luckily, we had our traditional BBQ in the evening which definately saved the day. I managed to keep away from the strong alcoholic beverage the whole evening, so I didn't get to see the "Teelicht Desaster" caused by the not to be named chairman of another European furry convention... Luckily, nobody was hurt and it just damaged the table.

On Saturday we had better (still not exactly good) food for lunch, but it left us a bit unsatisfied so at night we drove of to a restaurant at a village nearby (with 21 participients). Finally great, tasty and enough food! Afterwards, back on location, the furdance with DJ bigbluefox started... We (Eisfuchs, Fairlight, Lynard, aragontigerseye, myself and various others) did some impromptu puppeteering to the music while BBF was playing 80th pop music. As expected, he gradually changed the music selection to acid trance and the focus went to the dance floor. At least tanidareal, Furvan and Nightfox were dancing for hours while wearing their fursuits -- they have a really amazing stamina. I was told the dance lasted till 4:30 AM, but I went to bed on 3:00 AM.

Sunday was the day of departure. We managed to stuff the luggage even better into my car, so that Reesa and Blackdragon were able to move at least somewhat on the tour. It took quite a while to say goodbye to everone and we did not really want to leave... But eventually we did and arrived at 4:30 PM in Nuremberg.

All in all I spent EUR 20 on Cougar's liquors, EUR 15 on artwork , EUR 30 on beverages and additional food and about EUR 70 on gas, which is about the same amount I spent on the con fee. But every single cent of it was worth it!


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