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Just noticed...


...that I didn't write about my parents visiting me last weekend. They arrived on Thursday evening here (gave me plenty of time to clean up my place *ahem*), spent the Friday in the Old Town of Nuremberg while I was at work and afterwards we visited the Frankonian Beerfestival -- which is actually an oversized beer garden in the moat... But the beer was good and the mood quite relaxed.

On Saturday, we visited Erlangen. The botanical garden is small but nevertheless quite impressive, and such is the palace garden next to it. And it was the first time the city wasn't totally dead when I was visiting it... Anyway, on Sunday we spent several hours in the zoo, despite the heat (or probably because of it) there weren't too many bored small children and we actually had the time to observe many of the animals there.

My parents left on Monday morning before I had to go to work and arrived safely in Meppen in the evening (after visiting some relatives on the way...)

The rest of the week was quite uneventful so far, a slow week even at work. I hope that the latter does not change tomorrow :-)


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