A million flies can't be wrong
Posted by:
17 years, 3 months ago
In a recent discussion (which doesn't belong here) someone wrote:
Because users will not stay at a place where policy and leadership is bad.
I've been a user of ham radio AX.25 BBS since 1989, Usenet News since 1991, web forums since they came up. In my experience, the opposite is true. Social projects with poor leadership can be extremely successful, regardless better alternatives. It isn't limited to technology. I served my civilian service at an elderly care service, the leadership was not existing, at best. Except some few exceptions, the staff was worse than incompetent. The few competent employees and helpers were bullied. Nevertheless, the (supposedly) non-profit society was and is the most successful organization of that type in town, even though there are better alternatives. It's really frustrating, and in case of elderly care, outright life-threatening.
footpad.livejournal.com 17 years, 3 months ago
Link | Replyzefirodragon.livejournal.com 17 years, 3 months ago
Might be the reason projects made from "people with a clue" fail miserably, and massively visited community sites with horrible faults (usability, security, etc) won't get changed...
Very good observation, but could you also find any explainable rationale behind this behaviour?
Footpad: Oh, you've got a cold? Here, take something from eBay, payed with PayPal, and call some friends from Facebook or StudiVZ...
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 17 years, 3 months ago
And don't forget to look up their page on MySpace...
Link | Replygreenreaper.livejournal.com 17 years, 3 months ago
Well, it helps to be big and/or first as well. :-)
As I said to some other people, "better" only works if everyone is equal. If the Mafia already run the town, you had better work with them, or you will be run out of town . . . in a coffin. ;-)
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