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Brainshare, Day 3

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No tutorials for me today, instead eight straight hours of booth duty. I did this voluntary, though. I get paid to work there, so I do. And in fact, it is quite interesting to talk to customers and partners about technology and their opinion about our products.

This night, the Goo Goo Dolls were playing at the traditional conference concert. A very good rock band, with country-influenced melodies (yes, I know the fans disagree.) The singer had some few problems with his voice due to a cold, but one could hardly notice. The sound was good, but far too loud and I had to wear earplugs. In fact, the perfectly reproduced the sound of the studio recordings perfectly on stage, I have noticed only one pre-rec and it was just some background filler. If you like their recordings and have the chance to see them live: by all means do so. The frontman is very charismatic and the band members are excellent musicians.

Before the concert, the stand-up comedian from last year did a short performance. Let me put it this way: this time, he was actually amusing, but it was only mildly entertaining. I know much better comedians. Granted, I understand nobody would even think about inviting 2 or Uncle Kage to perform at a business convention in Utah, especially with half of the audience being Utahns with their whole family. But there are other comics out there who would fit into this environment and still be funny even for non-Americans.

And I should have taken the car. They did not have any wine, only a slightly alcoholic, slightly bitter lemonade named Budweiser.

By the way, the renamed the Delta Center to Energy Solutions Arena last year. The sponsor's name is one of the most cynical euphemism I've come across lately. Energy Solutions owns and operates a nuclear waste dump in Southern Utah. And guess what, nobody in Utah wants their business here. What a surprise.

Comments 17 years, 11 months ago

I didn't get to make it out to Brainshare this year unfortunately. As a result I was a little confused by reports of the concert at the "Energy Solutions Arena" - what's that? Thanks for the post...cleared up my confusion!

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