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Even More Google Earth Fun...


YAY! At last!

Well, the Linux version is a bit unstable, quite slow without 3D acceleration and butt-ugly, but hey: it exists and it works.

Comments 18 years, 8 months ago

Okay, I might have only played around with it for an hour or so, but I couldn't really find any instabilities... works well on my machine (with 3D accelleration) and was able to determine that I'd like to use a German Version (unlike the Windowsversion, I might add, which is still English for me).

Link | Reply 18 years, 8 months ago

It is rock-solid on my work station in the office as well, but it crashes with a segmentation fault when I exit the program. As far as I can tell, the libGL implementation by ATI doesn't seem to be completely thread safe, so this probably isn't really a GE issue after all. And not much of a problem, to be honest.

Apart from that, it does have some minor GUI issues, but nothing serious.

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