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German Radio Plays for Kids and Politics


The Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung is a public authority reporting to the German minister of the interior. They sponsor and publish research about German politics and society. Recently, they published the paper "Politik bei Benjamin Blümchen und Bibi Blocksberg" (German only) which is about the political attitude of the two popular radio play series Benjamin Blümchen (a talking elephant) and Bibi Blocksberg (a young witch). The study states that both series represent the German political system quite badly:

  • A mayor (representing politians in general) who's only concerned about his ideas what might be good for him and the city, but doesn't care about the people.

  • A mostly negative and militarian image of a police that blindly takes orders from politics. It portrayed being generally ridiculous and incompetent.

  • A negative image of the economy which actors constantly con others, only see their own profit and act anti-socially.

The study concludes that the plays aren't supporting children to develop political competence and probably even inhibits the development.

As much as I hate both series for their annoying repetitive nature and as much as I share the concerns about them to be too much cliché and simplistic, the cynic in me aks: So, what exactly is the difference between the play and reality?

(via, via, vla)

Comments 17 years, 8 months ago

So, what exactly is the difference between the play and reality?

In the play, at the end of the day everything's just peachy. In reality, it often isn't?


Link | Reply 17 years, 8 months ago

Der typ ist mit seiner Arbeit schon 2005 auf Kreuzzug:

Siehe z.B.,1518,380238,00.html


Link | Reply 17 years, 8 months ago

Your tax Euros at work...

Link | Reply 17 years, 8 months ago

Erinnert mich irgendwie an Christian Pfeiffer (Thema "Jugendschutz")

Schön wäre natürlich wenn vor einem potentiellen 'Verbot' dieser 'Propaganda' gerichtlich bewiesen werden müsste das sie nicht überwiegend der Wahrheit entsprechen :)

Aber durchaus nett wie Ursache und Wirkung - allgemeine Auffassung der Politik 'von unten' und Darstellung in Geschichten für diese Normalbürger - andersherum dargestellt werden als ich es selber empfinden würde.

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