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How not to travel the desert


Convoy Rescued After GPS Led to Utah Cliff

They made every error they could make: relying solely on their GPS unit, not carrying enough water, using back-country roads in an unfamiliar area. There is a good reason why even most paper maps of that area do not show these roads. Though I've traveled the area only a couple of times so far, I always made sure to stay on paved roads. Anything else is just insane.

(via comp.risks)

Comments 16 years, 6 months ago

Only good reason to use a gps here would be to check your position with a true map of the area in case you're lost or not sure of your actual position, but certainly not to use the map from the gps itself. Even in a big town, it don't give always the best road to follow, so I won't rely on those maps to guide me in a place where my life could be in danger.

Link | Reply 16 years, 6 months ago

"It was a nightmare — the vacation from hell," Daniel Cohen, back home safely in Los Angeles, told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "That's a story I will tell my kids. For now, I don't want anybody to know about it."

Yeah right. Talking to the Associated Press is JUST the right way to not let anybody know.

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