The spokesperson for domestical security of the German social-democrat party, Dieter Wiefelspütz, proposed that the planned anti-terror files (which are very likely unconstitutional to begin with) should also contain data such as religious denomination or "sexual deviance", whatever that means. He also rejects public criticism of his proposals by saying that it is only the parliament's decision and nobody else's.
What the hell is going on here? Are our parliamentarians are working on a coup? This isn't the country I grew up in anymore. How can our politicians get away with abolishing our freedom just like that? This clearly isn't about terrorism, even though they claim it is.
(Thanks to Kai Raven and Kristian Köhntopp for pointing this out.)
Comments 18 years, 5 months ago
There's someone who should renew his political education. "Alle Staatsgewalt geht vom Volke aus" somehow clashes with that point of view.
Link | ReplyCJ 18 years, 5 months ago
Just goes to show that "terrorism" is being used as an excuse to accumulate information that will ultimately be used by the police (and other agencies) for pretty much everything, I guess. >_>
But yes, you're right: a very bad trend, to say the least. Things like this (or the recent seizure of Tor exit nodes by the police) sure make you wonder just how much freedom is actually valued in Germany.
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