I boarded the flight to Nürnberg, sat down in my seat, and fell asleep even before take off, only to wake up again during landing. So I guess it was a smooth flight. Washing machine is running, there's tea in the cup, I'm home.
I get the impression, that your european audience seems to be quite more interested in your presentations, than the american colleagues - according to the experiences you talked about some time ago.
I'm sorry to have to say that, but... I haven't found any fitting felt hat, though I've been to various stores. Those that I found were not the right size or didn't look right. What I bought for myself is a "hard" cowboy hat, but I'm certain that one wouldn't look right on you, I'm afraid.
I haven't found the Folkmanis goat at all, or the media player for a reasonable price, either. And the lens I wanted to buy for myself was as expensive as in Germany.
lynard-.livejournal.com 17 years, 8 months ago
I get the impression, that your european audience seems to be quite more interested in your presentations, than the american colleagues - according to the experiences you talked about some time ago.
Link | Replymrianti.livejournal.com 17 years ago
The only time I was checked by German customs was in Nürnberg , they were sure I was selling Okapi there ;)
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 17 years ago
What the hell gave them that idea? Well, at least you can place a deposit if you cannot convince them, and get it back when you leave with the suit.
Link | Replypan-h-shiroi.livejournal.com 17 years ago
*puppy eyes popping out* That means ... no ... hat? ö.ö
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 17 years ago
I'm sorry to have to say that, but... I haven't found any fitting felt hat, though I've been to various stores. Those that I found were not the right size or didn't look right. What I bought for myself is a "hard" cowboy hat, but I'm certain that one wouldn't look right on you, I'm afraid.
I haven't found the Folkmanis goat at all, or the media player for a reasonable price, either. And the lens I wanted to buy for myself was as expensive as in Germany.
Link | Replypan-h-shiroi.livejournal.com 17 years ago
Hey, no problem! :) I'm thankful that you tried to find one. *hugs you*
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