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Viewing posts tagged vacation 2008

Updated Map

Look, it's a shiny new map! And even with two more US states I've visited:

Home again

I boarded the flight to Nürnberg, sat down in my seat, and fell asleep even before take off, only to wake up again during landing. So I guess it was a smooth flight. Washing machine is running, there's tea in the cup, I'm home.

More fun with OpenLayers

While browsing through the documentation of tangoGPS I found the the relief map at The map is free (licenced under the GNU FDL) and generated from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data:

I'm addicted

I'm addicted to geo-location and geo-tagging now. I cannot stop playing with it. I've geo-tagged my vacation photos from January now and built a small JavaScript application based on the incredible OpenLayers framework to show where I took photos on an OpenStreetMap map or on top of Landsat7 satellite images:

Roadtrip 2008: The GPS Track

I've finally visualized the GPS recording of the RV Trip with my parents last Winter. Unfortunately, LJ does not allow me to embed the interactive map, thus you have to click on this static one to play with it:

Vacation Photos 2008

At last, I'm done with editing my vaction photos. A four week trip through California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah. 2643 pictures. After sorting and editing, 495 pictures in the large collection. And still 129 photos in the "best of" collection, which can be viewed at my online gallery.

Roadtrip 2008, Day 18 and 19

On the final day on the road we went to a mall North of Sacramento and finally found some jeans in the right sizes at Sears. However, we weren't able to get out of the parking space with the RV and had to wait two hours for the owner of the car in the spot left from us.

Roadtrip 2008, Day 17

Sacramento, a city (actually, two cities) along the Sacramento and American river, is the capital of the state of California.