I see a point in reminding employers of a restaurant to wash their hands, even though it should be self-evident. However, finding instructions on how to wash hands makes you think about the state of humanity...
You kiddin'? We had to put up signs in the men's room at work to remind people to flush. Half of the culprits wore three-piece suits. No, they didn't wash their hands, either. (And people wonder why I don't like shaking hands.)
I swear, the average IQ on the planet has dropped 30 points since I graduated college.
We also used to have people at work that didn't flush. The fewer tech guys worked in the particular area, the more often it happened. Apparently we got rid of those filthy subjects a while ago, though.
We had one of these signs (in French, though) even in the Men's Washroom in the Canadian research institute where I had my internship ... where two thirds of the employees had an PhD ...
footpad.livejournal.com 16 years ago
And that's just the signs they let the public see! Other chilling examples:
Employees must refrain from inbreeding on company time
Employees must remember not to dribble in the coffee.
Link | Replystickmaker.livejournal.com 16 years ago
You kiddin'? We had to put up signs in the men's room at work to remind people to flush. Half of the culprits wore three-piece suits. No, they didn't wash their hands, either. (And people wonder why I don't like shaking hands.)
I swear, the average IQ on the planet has dropped 30 points since I graduated college.
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 16 years ago
We also used to have people at work that didn't flush. The fewer tech guys worked in the particular area, the more often it happened. Apparently we got rid of those filthy subjects a while ago, though.
Link | Replyysegrim.livejournal.com 16 years ago
We had one of these signs (in French, though) even in the Men's Washroom in the Canadian research institute where I had my internship ... where two thirds of the employees had an PhD ...
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 16 years ago
Scary, isn't it?
Link | Replyzefirodragon.livejournal.com 16 years ago
Und das wo diese Handtrockner doch absolute Bazillenschleudern sind...
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 16 years ago
Dazu laut, stromfressend und ineffektiv. In der Zeit, in der ich die Pfoten unter den Luftstrom halte, wären sie auch so trocken geworden.
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