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The Bomb


unclekage probably would say that the Royal Air Force forgot some of their equipment after they finished the renovation of Nuremberg in January, 1945...

When I came back from work today, the Gibitzenhofstraße was blocked by police behind the junction Landgrabenstraße. I asked the police officer if I could get to my home, she said I could give it a try, but the street was closed even before junction Leibnizstraße. So I took the Linnéstraße, trying to approach my home from the west. However, the junction Leibnizstraße/Herschelstraße was closed as well. Fearing the worst, a large fire or a gas explosion in my street, I asked an officer if I could get to my home and besides, what was going on. Turns out, they found a 250 kg bomb from world war II about 250 m away from my flat. The other side of the street was evacuated for security reasons, our side wasn't.

The bomb squad defused the bomb at approxminately 9 pm, and my neighbours across the street were allowed to return to their homes.

Comments 18 years, 4 months ago

Scary stuff.

When I lived on Guam, there was a bump in the middle of Marine drive that never seemed to get fixed. It was there for years and years, having been paved over repeatedly in an effort to make it smoother. Finally, they dug up the road to remove the Basalt rock they thought was causing the trouble.

Turns out Marine Drive was simply thrown on top of a WW2 bomb and people had been driving over it for something like 50 years!

Link | Reply 18 years, 4 months ago

Somebody set up us the bomb!

Link | Reply 18 years, 4 months ago

Gern geschehen.

Link | Reply 18 years, 4 months ago

Wow, that's really scary. Haven't heard anything about it here, though.

Link | Reply 18 years, 3 months ago

Quick, send it back to us! Mr. Bush is starting to run low on bombs for Iraq.

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