For the first time after a couple of month (or was it years?) I bought some newly released CDs. None of the following CDs have any apparent copy protection in Germany (other markets may vary).
Last week was rather eventful, for my standards. We had our first furry regular's table at the O'Sheas on Tuesday night (with six participants if I remember correctly), had a drink with colleagues on Wednesday -- actually, it was far more than just one drink -- and drove to Herbstcon, a small furmeet in Darmstadt, on Thursday afternoon. I originally planned to start at 3 PM. But not only because of the amount of beer I had consumed at the night before, also because I'm fighting a cold, I barely managed to collect my stuff and get into the car at 7 PM.
"Wo find ich FINSE"?
"FINSE fin'se in Regal 30, Platz 47"
...another one of these questionaires!
So this is how Americans would rate me on the political scale...
German for cynics, lesson 0815:
Auto, das: fängt mit "Au!" an, hört mit "Oh!" auf und dazwischen steht ein "t" wie "teuer".