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Viewing posts from 2008

Wrong, again.

So I complained about the expired KOA Value Kard to DERTOUR on Monday morning and they promised me to send me a valid one to my home address. Instead, they sent a one-time trial card to the travel agency. I just hope that this was the only thing they screwed up... Next time I'm going to book the RV directly at El Monte.

Tin? What tin?

Found on a bag of macadamia nuts:

There is no rim on the bag, let alone a sharp one. And what tin anyway?


Congratulations! Contrary to FTI last year, you managed to actually send me a KOA Value Kard. You did only marginally better than your competitor, though. The card reads "valid until 12/2007."

While everyone else is on the way to California...

...I got a hair cut, received the second TBEV vaccination shot and had a productive meeting.

Holy sh...

[So Jan 6 2008] [20:33:13] <Cheetah> Okay. REG IST OFFEN.
[So Jan 6 2008] [21:06:33] <Loewi> 300
[So Jan 6 2008] [21:33:23] <Loewi> okay. eine stunde... 408 anmeldungen

More than 400 registrations for Eurofurence 14 one hour after registration opened.