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Viewing posts from 2008

How to process three weeks of GPS data

Handling three weeks of GPS data collected on an RV trip through the American West is quite a challenge. Roughly 930,000 GPS positions are far too much to process directly. There are lots of wrong fixes that need to be removed, lots of identical or nearly identical positions, and a huge amount of fixes located on a straight line. Feeding the data unfiltered to Google Earth either results in GE drawing nonsense, locking up or crashing. The gpsbabel filters don't help, either. Thus, I wrote my own filter. It performs several steps:


Happiness is a warm flat, and…

Heating fixed, at last.

The plumber just fixed the the heater. The pump was broken (mysteriously directly after the yearly maintenance) and it had to be replaced. It'll take an hour or so to get warm and cosy in here again, though.

Cologne Furdance 2

Apart from annoying people on the train, the weekend was very nice. It started with tchk's very nice birthday party on Friday, on Saturday morning and afternoon I went photographing in Cologne, and at night I was attending the second Cologne Furdance. It was fun, and thanks to cheetah_spotty's nagging I already have edited the pictures.

German Politeness

These two words just don't go together. Early this morning, after spending the night at the Cologne Furdance, I boarded a train from Cologne to Nuremberg, sat down on a non-reserved seat and soon fell asleep. In Frankfurt Airport, I got rudely awaken by some bloke shouting at me "EXCUSE ME?! I HAVE A RESERVATION!!" While he had one of those last-minute reservations indeed, there was plenty of space on the train (hell, the seat at the aisle would still have been free) and there was absolutely no need to wake me up like this and shoo me away. Especially not to yell as if we were in a barrack yard. But he has paid three Euros for the reservation and as a proper German he insists sitting exactly on this and only this seat, and not on one of the 60 other unoccupied ones.

Disabling bash completion scripts

Do you hate the "intelligent" bash completions on openSUSE or SLES/SLED as much as I do? touch ~/ turns them off.

Congratulations, Mr. Obama

Now show us if you really can.

Cat Content

Herbstcon was great. The new location is just perfect, the food was excellent (I gained one and a half pounds on weight and it took me all week to get back to my regular diet,) the atmosphere very relaxed, great people anyway, and the Daubachtal very lovely. Everyone loves the four months old kitten, and apparently it also loved us...