I've been observing problems mp3 tags not being displayed on some devices, while others display the information just fine. By chance, I found out why.
My new Tomtom Go 930 GPS navigation device can play mp3s, which is quite important to me, as the built-in speaker is quite bad. I can barely understand the spoken instructions. I'd rather have the GPS unit hooked up to the line in of the radio. But of course, without the mp3 player it would be quite a boring ride. Actually, the player works quite fine most of the time. But on boot the Tomtom needs several minutes to scan 520 files. During that time, it gets less and less responsive and the GUI almost comes to a halt. This is not acceptable, I cannot wait ten minutes for the GPS almost each time I want to leave.
Running a search on Google didn't turn up much useful, does everybody only have ten songs on their SD card, or what? I found someone mentioning that the player doesn't like embedded cover art pictures. After discovering that the MP3s indeed had one set and removing them, the Tomtom at least remained somewhat usable during the scan. However, it still took many minutes. But while I was at it, why doesn't it read the title, album and artist information anyway? What's wrong with the id3 tags? Let's have a look at one of the files:
$ mid3v2 01\ -\ Uprising.mp3
IDv2 tag info for 01 - Uprising.mp3:
TALB=The Resistance
TSSE=LAME 64bits version 3.99 (alpha 1, Oct 6 2009 09:40:19) (http://www.mp3dev.org/)
$ mpginfo 01\ -\ Uprising.mp3
01 - Uprising.mp3
Audio : Mpeg 1 layer 3
Estimated Duration: 05:02.95s
128 kbps 44100 Hz
Frame size: 417 bytes
Joint Stereo: (Intensity stereo off, M/S stereo on)
No emphasis, original
ID3 v1.1 tag
title : Uprising
artist : Muse
album : The Resistance
track : 1
year : 2009
ID3 v2.4.0 tag (more info on http://www.id3.org/)
TSSE : LAME 64bits version 3.99 (alpha 1, Oct 6 2009 09:40:19) (http://www.mp3dev.org/)
TIT2 : (empty)
TPE1 : (empty)
TALB : (empty)
TRCK : (empty)
TLEN : 302826
TDRC : (empty)
$ mid3v2 -d 01\ -\ Uprising.mp3
$ mid3v2 -C 01\ -\ Uprising.mp3
$ mpginfo 01\ -\ Uprising.mp3
01 - Uprising.mp3
Audio : Mpeg 1 layer 3
Estimated Duration: 05:02.95s
128 kbps 44100 Hz
Frame size: 417 bytes
Joint Stereo: (Intensity stereo off, M/S stereo on)
No emphasis, original
ID3 v1.1 tag
title : Uprising
artist : Muse
album : The Resistance
track : 1
year : 2009
ID3 v2.4.0 tag (more info on http://www.id3.org/)
TIT2 : Uprising
TPE1 : Muse
TRCK : 1
TALB : The Resistance
TDRC : 2009
After re-tagging all 520 titles on the card, the Tomtom Go finally shows the tag information. Scanning the files now takes just a couple of seconds and the Go stays responsive. Mystery solved!
aerofox.livejournal.com 15 years, 4 months ago
This is cool and useful information ^_^
Do you manually edit the MP3's with a text editor?
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 15 years, 4 months ago
Hell, no, I'm not that hardcore... ;-)
But I'm using command line tools a lot to fix things like the broken id3 tags. In this case, mid3v2 of the mutagen package and mpginfo of the mpeg toolbox. Original tagging was done by a script using the lame mp3 encoder and easytag. The latter is a GUI tool, actually.
Writing a vim extension to support MPEG stream editing in VI sounds tempting, though... ;-)
Link | Replydoco.livejournal.com 15 years, 4 months ago
Meine Kaffeemaschine macht übrigens auch immer ganz seltsame Geräusche, wenn ich mir darin Tütensuppe koche. :]
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 15 years, 4 months ago
Finde mal sowas, wenn dir bislang jedes Tool anzeigt, dass doch alles super toll okay ist, weil alles die selbe kaputte Library verwendet, die genau diesen Spezialfall abfängt und auf die v1-Tags zurückfällt... Dumm nur, wenn Appliances ihre eigene Implementierung haben, die das nicht tut.
Link | Replylynard-.livejournal.com 15 years, 3 months ago
Well, i noticed that some cd rippers doing incomplete tagging work (writing v1 and partly v2 if necessary). I use mp3tag to write both, v1 and v2 tags completely.
Link | Replyanonymous.example.com 15 years, 3 months ago
I recommend for tagging picard tagger. really cool python-qt app that have many configuration possibilties.
I use it to generate folder.jpg in the album folder. this works for many music players...
Link | Replywoelfisch.livejournal.com 15 years, 3 months ago
Actually, I've been playing with picard. Alas, the Linux version apparently also uses libid3tag. I removed all tags from test.mp3, recreating them with picard gives the following result:
Nevertheless, picard is indeed a very nice tagger.
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