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Move of Czech, French, German and Portuguese WikiFur versions complete

Everyone, please update your bookmarks, as the Czech, French, German and Portuguese versions of WikiFur have been removed from the Wikia site and are exclusively available at the new location from now on. The French version will follow in a couple of hours.

Shoulder Support, rev 1.0

And here's the solution to my small puzzle. It has something to do with rods, indeed. In fact, it is my first attempt at building a should support for large video camera. It all starts with purchasing materials (notably, aluminium profiles, screws, bolts rivets and tools):


The current status of a little project I'm working on, done today while waiting for updates on a Hot Issue support call:


Apropos Wahlen. Die Piratenpartei (ja, der Name ist etwas albern. Das, worum es ihnen geht, ganz und gar nicht) benötigt noch Unterstützerunterschriften für die Zulassung zur deutschen Bundestagswahl. Wohlgemerkt, es geht darum ob sie überhaupt auf dem Wahlzettel stehen. Dies ist keine Wahlempfehlung, es muss nun wirklich jeder selbst wissen, wo er sein Kreuz im Herbst macht. Ich sage auch nicht, was ich dann wähle, kann ich noch gar nicht. Aber es ist wichtig die Wahl überhaupt zu haben.

The old PowerBook

After six years of operation, the battery of my 15" PowerBook G4 died. Admittedly, this is an amazing lifespan for a lithium rechargeable battery, but I think I'm not going to replace it. The only (non-Apple) battery packs I'd trust to not set my flat on fire start at 96 Euros. The wireless card started acting up recently, the hardware clock battery has been empty for two years (a non-standard type, soldered to a PCB, which itself is glued to the frame) and to be honest, six years are quite a lifetime for a laptop computer. My netbook, worth 10% the price I paid for the PowerBook, is faster than it. I'll retire the laptop to operate as an Internet terminal while I'm editing videos. For the rest of the year the netbook will be my travel companion even for trips where I'd rather carry a large laptop.

May wrap-up

With the vacation video being finished I finally have time for other things again. Like writing a summary of the last couple of weeks.

Mephit Mini Con was quite nice again. I filmed a lot to get familiar with the new video camera. Five hours of footage, I'm just glad that bigbluefox is editing it, not me. The widescreen format takes some extra time to get used to.

Vacation video (pt 2)

I am constantly amazed at how easy it is to accomplish things in Linux once someone works out the process. DVD Authoring is a good example of this.
— Chris Stoddard, Linux Gazette #83

Vacation video done, at last (pt 1)

In case you wondered why I didn't update my LJ for several weeks (and rarely said something on Twitter, either): I was busy editing last year's vacation video. I won't link it here, it is mostly personal stuff and the quality of the footage is rather poor, but it was a nice exercise to learn editing. As Kdenlive still isn't suitable for such a large project (but progressing quite well currently,) I had to resort to a non-free editing solution. Adobe Premiere Elements did the job amazingly well, at least I didn't miss any feature of the professional version. Granted, as a 32 bit application it runs out of memory quite often with such a comparatively large project, but I've seen much worse behaviour of much more expensive software. The movie had more than 700 774 clips on the time line in the end, and runs for 94 minutes.