My original plans for the weekend were editing photographs of my vacation in January (cleaning up sensor dust...), however headaches kept me from doing so. Instead, I...
The plushie I bought is a grey wolf from Steiff:
At last they've reacted on my constant nagging about not having a wolf in their collection. For some strange reason, it isn't listed in the German part of their web pages, though...
Comments 17 years, 7 months ago
Isn't Steiff really expensive?
Link | 17 years, 7 months ago
It depends. This one's regular price is EUR 79 (approx. USD 107), but it was on sale and I got it for only EUR 63 (approx. USD 85.) Steiff is usually even more expensive in the US, with exception to the FAO Schwarz / American Kennel Club special edition dog series (USD 45 excl. tax per item, EUR 79 incl. tax for the re-import in Germany if I remember correctly.)
Kösen, BTW, is even more expensive -- and harder to get. And another fun fact: Eurofurence 13 will be only 60 km away from Plüti Nova and 40 km from Steiner Plüsch, two more excellent (but not exactly cheap) German plushie manufacturers...
Link | 17 years, 7 months ago
I have two Kosen plushes. :)
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