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New Year's Eve Party


The new year's eve party in Suhl was great! I even managed to make a picture of Günther, a strange guy showing up at the party:

Günther is the person on the left, next to Cheetah. He didn't speak much, and he had a strong American accent...

Comments 15 years, 11 months ago

ARGH..... Elton John Sonnenbrille.... werd ihn mal fragen müssen, wie ihm das gefallen hat *G*

(und ja, ich weiss, wer's ist)

Link | Reply 15 years, 11 months ago

You know, I'm sure I recognise those cheeks and that mouth. I'd almost say he looks like a bit of a cock*mmmmmph!*

Link | Reply 15 years, 11 months ago

Sorry, he does have a big mouth. I think I shut him up in time.

Link | Reply 15 years, 11 months ago

Well, I've seen a lot in my life, but never a cock like that. You're sure you're not mistaken there ? I'm pretty Conwa..err.. convinced i could identify those teeth from our FIA files though.

Link | Reply 15 years, 11 months ago

Nope, he's not a rooster.

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