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Roadtrip 2008, Day 15

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We went a bit shopping in Vegas again and took off to Death Valley. It was quite windy on the way to the valley. As I feared strong cross winds on the pass, we didn't take the West exit of the park but drove to Beatty instead and took the loop around the park to get to Mojave. My mother was quite PO that it took so long and that we were driving in the dark again, and that my father was driving too long without a break, but one reason we avoided the pass was her fright of narrow mountain streets... We arrived at half past ten, which wasn't that late after all.

I took some pictures of Zabriskie point again.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take a picture of green Death Valley with yellow flowers blooming all over the place. What a sight! If you want to see that, get there yourself and try to catch the one week in the year when this happens. :-P

We're now on a rest area at the CA 99, South of Octol, CA. I'm writing this one day later, as the Internet connection at Sierra Trails RV Park near Mojave didn't have a reliable WLAN.

Comments 16 years, 11 months ago

oh i so wanna go back there-.-

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