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Roadtrip 2008, Day 8


We made it to Moab, yay! Some few snow showers on the the pass, but excellent weather here in Moab.

After securing a spot on a local campground we drove to Canyonlands Nat'l Park. It is already great when the sun is shining, but with all the snow it is simply wonderful. I still think Canyonlands is much more spectacular than Grand Canyon. Let's hope that it never gets as overrun as Grand Canyon.

(Green River from Green River Overlook)

First, we drove to the breathtaking Green River Overlook. Next, we went for a short hike at Grand View Point Overlook. The view is just breathtaking. Still out of breath, a short stop at Buck Canyon Overlook. No time to recover, proceeding to Mesa Arch in breathtaking light. No more light, time and breath to drive to Dead Horse Point State Park. Instead, got some gasoline in Moab, had dinner in the RV and did some laundry.


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