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More Google Earth Fun


After fighting my way through various undocumented features and weird bugs of Google Earth, I've managed to generate a .kml file which connects my vacation photos with the location logged by the GPS receiver at the time. Which is quite cool, as I tend to forget where exactly I took a photo...

Anyway, if you are interested in this stuff: add a network link for the route (which I've posted a couple of days before) and additionally add a network link to the photo location file. Click on the photo camera icons to open the waypoint with the thumbnails.

You'll need an Internet connection as GE loads the thumbnail images from my server. The Mac OS X version of GE seems to have a bug when referencing graphics within a .kmz file, thus the thumbnail graphics are loaded with HTTP. The image titles are links to my gallery, clicking on them should open a web browser window and show a larger version of the picture. It sometimes does not work either, apparently that's another bug of the Mac OS version...

Um, and no, I wasn't bored. It was just some entertaining way to train my Python knowledge...

Edit: Google Earth 4 handles pictures within a .kmz file correctly now. I've replaced the .kml file with a .kmz file which contains the thumbnail pictures.


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