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Roadtrip 2010 - Tenth Day: Death Valley

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I woke up on a murder of crows walking on the roof of the motorhome. And did I mention last night's coyote? We saw two very tame roadrunners at the visitor center. One even tried to get into our RV...

The weather isn't that nice anymore. Quite cloudy and even some rain. Most roads in the park are
closed due to flooding and reconstruction, thus we only visited Zabriski Point and the sand dunes.

On the way to Mojave we took the byway as it is easier to drive in bad weather, except for the flooded streets in Trona and Ridgecrest. On the other hand, rain in the desert is good weather, and not everyone can say that he has seen Death Valley in the rain.

And of course, we couldn't resist having dinner at the Sierra Cocktails in Inyokern. Thanks to Goldie insisting to store the location into my Tomtom two years ago we quickly found it and had an excellent steak. If you need a reason to visit the Eastern Sierra, this is a good one.

Comments 14 years, 8 months ago

"There is something on the grill which shouldn't be there. You want to have it?"

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