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New Network Applicance

I bought an AVM FritzBox 7270 yesterday. Though I'm not exactly a fan of AVM it is the only affordable solution on the market that does everything I need. It replaces the DSL MODEM, the old firewall/gateway PC, the FAX machine, the voice answering machine, the DECT base station, the Ethernet switch and the WLAN AP. And not only that, the old setup had a power consumption of approximately 130 Watt, the new appliance consumes less than 10 Watt.

19 Jahre nach der Wende...

...und nichts kapiert. Man könnte den Beitrag des NDR-Magazins Zapp als Provinz-Posse abtun, aber nach meinen Erfahrungen ist das symptomatisch für weite Teile des Ostens. Der stellvertrender Bürgermeister, der journalistische Betätigung im öffentlichen Raum für genehmigungspflichtig hält. Sein Auftritt in einer Oberlehrerhaftigkeit, wie sie mir schon öfters bei der Obrigkeit (oder wer sich auch nur dafür hält) im Osten unangenehm aufgefallen ist. Als hätte es die Wende nie gegeben.

Not in <strong>my</strong> kitchen!

EF over

Wolf exhausted.

Final Pawpet Rehearsal

For the last couple of days we had the last rehearsals of the Eurofurence puppet show. Well, except for the dress rehearsal, of course, which will happen on site. As usual, it was a very busy and productive weekend. Without flooding, fortunately. I was a bit concerned after the first run on Saturday, as quite a lot of things just didn't work and every scene had to be played twice. But yesterday's rehearsal went quite smoothly and I'm reassured that it will be working in Suhl.

How not to travel the desert

Convoy Rescued After GPS Led to Utah Cliff

Bardentreffen 2008

Another year, another Bardentreffen in Nürnberg. It was last weekend, to be exact. lynard_ and doco stayed at my place, reasha and her boyfriend came from Bayreuth to join us on Friday night. The festival was even more crowded than ever and I had several loud arguments with idiots that were squeezing themselves between us with raw force.

Went shopping